Install ipa to iOS from commandline
using following command:
./transporter_chief.rb ./kulerios.ipa
file can be found at :
OSGi R4 Framework (org.eclipse.osgi) The main framework project. This includes a set of adaptors and enough function to make a standalone OSGi framework. When built this project produces org.eclispe.osgi.jar. | |
Java Launcher (org.eclipse.equinox.launcher) This helps setup the framework classloader and launches the Framework etc. Note: this code used to be included in the startup.jar and has be moved from its old location in the org.eclipse.platform project. See bug 113069 for more details. | |
Native Launcher (org.eclipse.equinox.executable) The launcher is the native executable that finds and runs the java launcher org.eclipse.equinox.launcher and thus the framework. It is also responsible for putting up the splash screen etc. The launcher is written in C and currently supports a wide range of operating systems, window systems and processor architectures. The launcher is split into a small native executable and a platform specific library. The source for both the launcher and the library can be found in the org.eclipse.equinox.executable project. |
java -jar eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.0.v20070606.jar
eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\javaw.exe ''start Java by executing the specified java executable eclipse -vm c:\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll ''start Java by loading the jvm in the eclipse process
<!-- set path to eclipse folder. If local folder, use '.'; otherwise, use c:\path\to\eclipse or /path/to/eclipse/ --> <property name="eclipse.home" value="."/> <nowiki><!-- get path to equinox jar inside ${eclipse.home} folder (copy/rename actual jar) --></nowiki> <copy tofile="''${eclipse.home}''/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.jar"> <fileset dir="''${eclipse.home}''/eclipse/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/> </copy> <nowiki><!-- start Eclipse w/ java --></nowiki> <java classpath="''${eclipse.home}''/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.jar" .../>
<!-- set path to eclipse folder. If local folder, use '.'; otherwise, use c:\path\to\eclipse or /path/to/eclipse/ --> <property name="eclipse.home" value="."/> <!-- store path to newest launcher JAR in path id '' --> <path id=""> <first count="1"> <sort> <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}/eclipse/plugins" includes="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/> <nowiki><!-- Seems the default order is oldest > newest so we must reverse it. The 'reverse' and 'date' comparators are in the internal antlib --></nowiki> <reverse xmlns=""> <nowiki><!-- 'date' inherits 'reverse's namespace --></nowiki> <date/> </reverse> </sort> </first> </path> <!-- turn the path into a property --> <property name="equinox.launcher.jar.location" refid="" /> <!-- you can now reference the jar through the property ${equinox.launcher.jar.location} --> <echo message="Using equinox launcher jar: ${equinox.launcher.jar.location}" />
#!/bin/bash # set path to eclipse folder. If the same folder as this script, use the default; otherwise, use /path/to/eclipse/ eclipsehome=`dirname $BASH_SOURCE`; # get path to equinox jar inside $eclipsehome folder cp=$(find $eclipsehome -name "org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar" | sort | tail -1); # start Eclipse w/ java /opt/java50/bin/java -cp $cp org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main ...
@echo off :: set path to eclipse folder. If local folder, use '.'; otherwise, use c:\path\to\eclipse set ECLIPSEHOME=. :: get path to equinox jar inside ECLIPSEHOME folder for /f "delims= tokens=1" %%c in ('dir /B /S /OD %ECLIPSEHOME%\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar') do set EQUINOXJAR=%%c :: start Eclipse w/ java echo Using %EQUINOXJAR% to start up Eclipse... java -jar %EQUINOXJAR% ...
When developing plugins using AFC Library the user has to derive his own plug in application class from the AFC core class AfcPIApp. And subsequently he/she has to override the member functionsSetPluginName , PluginInitialize , PluginImportReplaceAndRegister , PluginExportHFTs and PluginUnload. The SetPluginName function needs to be overridden by the user and should be implemented thus, so that the function returns a pointer to a character string which is a unique name associated with the plug-in. The PluginInitialize function is called by the Acrobat viewer during initialization to allow a plug-in to do any sort of initialization it requires, such as adding user interface. If the function returns false, thePluginUnload member function is called. The PluginUnload function is called by the Acrobat viewer when the plug-in unloads to allow it to perform any sort of cleanup needed. Use this member function to release any system resources you may have allocated. The PluginExportHFTs member function is called by the Acrobat viewer during initialization to allow a plug-in to export one or more HFTs to other plug-ins. Inside this member function the user should not do anything other than export HFTs. Plug-ins should not change the user interface at this time, do that in the PluginInitialize member function. The PluginImportReplaceAndRegister member function is called by the viewer during the initialization to allow a plug-in to import HFT to another plug-in or replace an HFT method. This is the only place that a plug-in may replace a HFT method. Plug-ins should not change the user interface at this time, do that in the PluginInitialize member function. | |